It's been a while since I wrote about the Mets. To be honest, the reason is there's nothing to say. They signed Curtis Granderson, a 41 year old overweight Bartolo Colon and outfielder Chris Young. That's it! That doesn't scream out UPGRADE to me. Young, who owns a .235 career average through eight Major League seasons is pretty much the Collin Cowgill of 2014.
Other than that, Lucas Duda is still here, Ike Davis is still here and yes, even Ruben Tejada is still here. I hope all three of these guys prove me wrong, but let's be honest, they've been AWFUL. At the same time:
- Our only real power source last season, Marlon Byrd, is gone.
- We finally get an ace, Matt Harvey, and of course he's out for the entire season.
Sandy Alderson tells Mets executives, personnel that tean can win 90 games - Owner Fred Wilpon chimed in at one point during a staff meeting with his own pointed assessment, 'We better win 90,' he said, according to a source
In John Harper's article, Alderson said, "All I’ll say is we have higher expectations than we’ve had in the past."
Considering the team hasn't been competitive since 2008 and they won a grand total of 74 games the past two seasons, it seems that Alderson has become delusional. Look at the Mets' roster. The Mets had trouble scoring runs last season. This lineup is not going to instill fear in any opponent. Nothing has changed!
Of course I'm a lifer and will always be a Mets fan, so I hope that Alderson's prediction is on target. However, like the past 5 seasons, I have no expectations for the 2014 Mets.